We care
Here at Fatex we are committed to promoting sustainable development in all aspects of our business and to do so we need to adapt to the changes around us and find new ways to reduce our environmental footprint. We continuously try to find new ways to improve our production both in terms of waste and energy efficiency. By eliminating waste and increasing transport efficiency we can reduce the environmental impact as well as lower our costs both for us and our customers.
We apply sustainable thinking in all aspects of our business
By using certified suppliers we can be sure that even they are working for a sustainable future. Furthermore, we strive to use recycled material for our packaging where it is possible. To improve our energy efficiency we are constantly upgrading our equipment and work spaces with new technologies.
Sustainable thinking throughout our business will ensure that we can constantly lower our environmental footprint and stay up to date with the latest technologies, which is essential for the future.
By choosing renewable energy we will reduce our environmental footprint. The electricity that we use for our production will come from solarenergy and green energy, starting in year 2021 which will cause a significant reduction in emissions to the atmosphere.